Your Questions, Our Answers

“Your flights depart with empty seats while I was denied the opportunity to purchase a ticket on the flight

Indeed, it is a common occurrence that our planes depart with empty seats, even though we have denied passengers at booking.


For 2 reasons:

1. We take on board passengers and their baggage, but also their excess baggage, often of primary necessity (coolers, in particular), and cargo (common consumer goods; equipment): which quickly reaches the aircraft’s load limit.

2. On the Cayenne-Maripasoula-Grand Santi-Saint Laurent route, a new constraint comes into play: there is no aircraft fuel in Maripasoula and Grand-Santi. This forces us to plan for fuel to cover the entire journey to Saint-Laurent and provide a margin in case of landing impediments in Saint-Laurent. All this volume of fuel to be carried reduces the payload and hence the number of passengers acceptable on board.

That’s why some seats are empty at takeoff, even though the plane is “full.”

“Is the 50€ penalty for changes/cancellations in the last days really excessive ?”

Indeed, there is a penalty of 50 euros for any modification/cancellation within the last 3 days.

This did not exist at the launch of the flights in December 2023: the ticket was no longer modifiable or refundable in the last 3 days, it was simply lost. We have just implemented it to soften this rule.

We do this with the aim of encouraging our customers to decide on their flight before the last 3 days in order not to keep multiple reservations. And thus, to release seats for sale for customers in urgent need of seats.

Even if this 50€ rule seems odd, it actually serves the collective to share the stock of seats as soon as possible.

“What are the opening hours of your agency

You can also purchase your tickets or come to us with your questions directly at our agency. Our professionals will be available to meet your needs.

Our agency is open on the following days and hours:

Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Saturday from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Sunday hours may vary and depend on flight activity, please contact the agency via Whatsapp if you plan to visit on those days.

You can find us at the following address:

Félix Éboué Airport
Rochambeau Road
97351 Matoury

“I don’t see any flights from a certain date

Flights are added progressively, usually between one or two months in advance. The reason? Organization.

When we plan our flights, we rely on precise statistics about customer habits and preferences. Without deviating from our obligation to provide a minimum quantity of flights, the idea is to offer flights that are most likely to satisfy your needs.

Flights are scheduled and added between one and two months in advance, but if you wish to reserve a future flight, please contact customer service.